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Let's Plant Our First Document 🌱

Now that our collection is created and accessible from AppVenture, all that's left is to add some documents to it!

In the Database module of AppVenture, you can see a destination creation form that allows you to enter the precious coordinates that will lead us to the fabulous treasure! 💰 Currently, the form is not functional, and it's up to you to complete it to add your first destination.

To do this, go to the src/workshop/api/modules/database/coordinates.ts file, where you will find the createCoordinates function that is called when the form is submitted. It's your job to complete it by using the * *Appwrite SDK** to connect to the database and create a document with the information provided in the form!

🆔 Generating a Unique Identifier

When you interact with Appwrite during any data creation, it is necessary that your data has a unique identifier. For this Appwrite provides a utility function ID.unique() that allows you to generate a unique identifier. After that, you can use this identifier to create your data in Appwrite.


You can use EnvConfig to access the variables that are in the .env.local file.

Solution ✅
import { ID } from 'appwrite'; 
import { database } from '../../config/client.config'; 
import { EnvConfig } from '../../config/env.config'; 

export const createCoordinates = async (coordinatesData: Coordinate): Promise<Coordinates> => {
  try {
    return await database.createDocument<Coordinates>( 
  } catch (error: any) {
    throw new AppwriteException(error);
import { ID } from 'appwrite'; 
import { database } from '../../config/client.config'; 
import { EnvConfig } from '../../config/env.config'; 

export const createCoordinates = async (coordinatesData: Coordinate): Promise<Coordinates> => {
  try {
    return await database.createDocument<Coordinates>( 
  } catch (error: any) {
    throw new AppwriteException(error);


For TypeScript users, Appwrite provides types that make it easier to type our data in our application! You can check out the Coordinates type to see how it's done.

Once you've completed the development of your function, you should be able to create a new coordinate in the database using the form! However, it doesn't appear on the interface... Let's continue our journey through this vast forest to find a solution to this problem.

Released under the MIT License.